Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Eco Marketing this!

Being eco-friendly apparently is the new big thing these days when it comes to surf brands marketing. Well maybe I am just exaggerating, we all know that having onboard surfers that rip hard is kinda more important, however this is not the point of this post.
So yeah, digg that, Billabong released a press release a few days ago, Dave "Rasta" Rastovich is meeting up with all passionate, anti climate change pioneer, ex vice US president Al Gore in order to be trained by, then discuss and promote policies to stop climate change.
Speaking of Rasta, here's a little update on him. He is not on tour, he rips as hard as ever, although I do not think he would agree with the term rip - rather surf forcefully but gently as you can see on the video below.

That was obviously crazy stylish. Rasta is also married to a mermaid, well human mermaid-model kind of thing. He is the founder of surfers for cetaceans- that's dolphins whales and sea turtles. Surfers for cetaceans released a video lately as well "El Mar, Mi Alma".
Not your typical surf video.

Rasta is obviously having the time of his life doing all that. Although critics would say that flying around the globe every time a swell pops up does not really help the environment, I think it would be fair to give Rasta a pass and not hate, because he is obviously a person deeply concerned with the future of the planet.

Coming back to Billabong they are obviously pushing an enviromentalist profile. Of course they are not alone on that, yesterday I stumbled upon this Reef Brazil Redemption series. Anyway, back to Billabong now. The Rasta story, Design for Humanity, they are all initiatives for a good cause. (Design for Humanity profits go to Water Charity.)
I am not dismissing this kind of initiatives as irrelevant and of course anything that helps and pushes things towards a more sustainable direction needs to be applaused.

However I seem to be missing something as strangely enough, looking at those initiatives I still can only think of waves. And cetaceans. And if you think that by cetaceans I mean the stunning blonde pictured below, well, you guessed right.

eco friendly model

Friday, July 24, 2009

The Cake to end all Cakes.

Breaking news! There are that the cake to end all cakes has been sighted in the Kaos premises. The legendary cake who has been referenced amongst others in Monty Pythons' films, Amy Winehouse's and Metallica's songs is rumored to have been extremely delicious.

intern with cake

Hey, now seriously. If you are looking to intern here, you better know how to make cakes. Just kidding.
Thanks Z, the cake was amazing.

BMX Worlds in Cologne, again through the eyes of Skullcandy.

Well, as I was saying in the previous post, Kaos is working closely with Skullcandy Europe to produce some content.
This time, we went down to the BMX World Championships in Cologne, Germany that Skullcandy was sponsoring.
Needless to say it was friggin amazing. Check it out!
Hint:24 seconds in best trick of the event: triple asscrack to balls reveal spin!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

CPH Pro through the eyes of Skullcandy

This past year, Kaos has been working with Skullcandy to create relations across Europe and provide content.
Skullcandy was a sponsor of what's generally considered being the best CPH Pro ever. It took place last month in Copenhagen. Here's what we came up with, enjoy.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Hater's guide (for snowboarders)

snowboarder hater

Lately I've been finding myself getting more and more interested in articles and journalists that go off the beaten track and say things that are not too pc.
Now that I'm having a second thought about it possibly everybody likes them and that's why we know who guys like Perez Hilton or our action sports' very own Lewis Samuels is.
Well, some time ago I stumbled upon this guide on the mustachio. I've been meaning to write something about that ever since and know its not very recent but you know what? It's a timeless gem that will be worth writing about until the day that snow turns purple.
Here's some hilarious quotes from the Hater's Guide.
"You might think haterism has been a part of snowboarding since the coming of the online communities but this side activity saw the light 2 decades ago. Remember the resorts banning all snowboarders? That was one of the first noticed hater actions. With other words, if you are a hater you are nothing better than the hater skiers from back in the day. But you don't give a donkeyshit because you didn't start snowboarding to make friends. Otherwise you would have joined the scouts.
First of all you need internet, which is pretty obvious because the hater part of snowboarding takes place on the world wide web, unless you're a real douche. To get started it's better to train yourself on the internet. When you've booked online success you can try it in real life."
"- It's easier to use different usernames. You can make your comments look better and hotter by giving props on your own comments with another username.

- You are better and prettier. When you know you're not, better tell them you know people who are. A friend, uncle, aunt, grandpa or whatever.

- When the action is too good to hate on start hating on details. Music, edit, clothing or other comments for instance. (see the holy inspiration list)

- Never be sorry. You will loose kudo's. Saying that you are sorry can kill you. Never use the sorry word, NEVER!"
- How are they dressed up?
- Do you like hippies, gangsters, mainstreamsters, gipsies or maybe even emo-thugs?
- Are they over-dressed for the tricks they pop?

Style & Tricks
- Do you like their style?
- Is their stance too narrow or too wide?
- Can you do it better or do you have a friend/relative who can do better?

- Are they having too much fun and does it affect their riding?
- Are they having fun or is it too serious?

Read the whole article here.
Via the Mustachio.