Tuesday, January 06, 2009


Hey Guys,

A good friend of ours is running this really innovative event in Costa Rica that you should all check out and see if it's your kinda thing. see www.breathecostarica.com If the break at Santa Teresa is not enough to get you there, maybe a the Yoga sessions or music events is your your thing but there's plenty on offer this Feb.

Here's a brief intro....

Any Yoga master will tell you concentrated, deep breathing is the start of all
healing. For body, mind and soul, learning to breathe relieves stress, relaxes
the body, creating greater clarity of mind. At a time in our history where
complicated, inter related issues face us on a global scale, clarity of mind,
strength and conviction can be the difference between action or non-action.
Breathe is an organic concept that believes both the answers and solutions
to many of the world’s challenges are inclusive in nature. No single solution
will resolve all the issues. No single action is too small to make a difference.
The biggest issue we face is ignorance or the feeling of helplessness creating
an inertia or failure to act.
Breathe challenges people to leave their regular surroundings and to re-
immerse themselves with a living, breathing ecosystem. A week of isolation
from the market driven distractions of the modern Western world, it at-
tempts to increase awareness of today’s major issues, the individuals and
organizations working to address them.
Breathe promotes awareness through music, art, surfing, eco tours, yoga
sessions, horse tours, offshore fishing, beach combing, local food & culture,
workshops, documentary screenings and much more…
Pura Vida…

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