Thursday, September 24, 2009
Amazing videos day
And now this.. Skier in Alaska gets buried by an Avalanche, only to get rescued a few minutes later, amazing video, Hollywood could never beat that.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
R.I.P. Bodhi
I know very well that is not meant to be just about surf. Of course it wasn't, it was a Hollywood movie with Keanu Reeves and Hollywood does not make surf movies.
However for me it was a movie about Bodhi, his surfing, his coolness, his layback tube ride when he is first being introduced to the film, his escape in maxing "Bells Beach".

Damn, even writing those lines gives me goosebumps. I bet there's many people out there thinking exactly the same.

Thank you for the all this Patrick, RIP.
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
KISS Mr Pototo Heads...where can i get me one of them apples?
4 Sep 2009
Wal-Mart will promote the new KISS CD/DVD, SONIC BOOM with ‘KISS Korners’ in electronics departments and Halloween aisles in October. Stores will offer KISS T-shirts, wigs, make-up, limited edition KISS M&M candies and KISS Mr Potato Head spuds of all four band members through Halloween. "To complement this highly-anticipated music release, we are excited to bring a unique store experience with KISS merchandise at an unbeatable value for fans of all ages," said Greg Hall, Vice President of Media Services, Walmart US. "It has been both fun and an honour to work with the band and celebrate with fans the new music release and album tour."
Thursday, September 03, 2009
That's not a regular title but my god this is in plain WTF territory.
Without any further adoo allow me to present you the Heelys' National Championships!! I know what you must be thinking:Is this world coming to an end?
Elaborate and discuss.
Via Pierre Wikberg's blog and then some more props to James for sharing it with me.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Eco Marketing this!
So yeah, digg that, Billabong released a press release a few days ago, Dave "Rasta" Rastovich is meeting up with all passionate, anti climate change pioneer, ex vice US president Al Gore in order to be trained by, then discuss and promote policies to stop climate change.
Speaking of Rasta, here's a little update on him. He is not on tour, he rips as hard as ever, although I do not think he would agree with the term rip - rather surf forcefully but gently as you can see on the video below.
That was obviously crazy stylish. Rasta is also married to a mermaid, well human mermaid-model kind of thing. He is the founder of surfers for cetaceans- that's dolphins whales and sea turtles. Surfers for cetaceans released a video lately as well "El Mar, Mi Alma".
Not your typical surf video.
Rasta is obviously having the time of his life doing all that. Although critics would say that flying around the globe every time a swell pops up does not really help the environment, I think it would be fair to give Rasta a pass and not hate, because he is obviously a person deeply concerned with the future of the planet.
Coming back to Billabong they are obviously pushing an enviromentalist profile. Of course they are not alone on that, yesterday I stumbled upon this Reef Brazil Redemption series. Anyway, back to Billabong now. The Rasta story, Design for Humanity, they are all initiatives for a good cause. (Design for Humanity profits go to Water Charity.)
I am not dismissing this kind of initiatives as irrelevant and of course anything that helps and pushes things towards a more sustainable direction needs to be applaused.
However I seem to be missing something as strangely enough, looking at those initiatives I still can only think of waves. And cetaceans. And if you think that by cetaceans I mean the stunning blonde pictured below, well, you guessed right.

Friday, July 24, 2009
The Cake to end all Cakes.
Breaking news! There are that the cake to end all cakes has been sighted in the Kaos premises. The legendary cake who has been referenced amongst others in Monty Pythons' films, Amy Winehouse's and Metallica's songs is rumored to have been extremely delicious.
Hey, now seriously. If you are looking to intern here, you better know how to make cakes. Just kidding.
Thanks Z, the cake was amazing.
BMX Worlds in Cologne, again through the eyes of Skullcandy.
Well, as I was saying in the previous post, Kaos is working closely with Skullcandy Europe to produce some content.
This time, we went down to the BMX World Championships in Cologne, Germany that Skullcandy was sponsoring.
Needless to say it was friggin amazing. Check it out!
Hint:24 seconds in best trick of the event: triple asscrack to balls reveal spin!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
CPH Pro through the eyes of Skullcandy
This past year, Kaos has been working with Skullcandy to create relations across Europe and provide content.
Skullcandy was a sponsor of what's generally considered being the best CPH Pro ever. It took place last month in Copenhagen. Here's what we came up with, enjoy.
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Hater's guide (for snowboarders)

Lately I've been finding myself getting more and more interested in articles and journalists that go off the beaten track and say things that are not too pc.
Now that I'm having a second thought about it possibly everybody likes them and that's why we know who guys like Perez Hilton or our action sports' very own Lewis Samuels is.
Well, some time ago I stumbled upon this guide on the mustachio. I've been meaning to write something about that ever since and know its not very recent but you know what? It's a timeless gem that will be worth writing about until the day that snow turns purple.
Here's some hilarious quotes from the Hater's Guide.
"You might think haterism has been a part of snowboarding since the coming of the online communities but this side activity saw the light 2 decades ago. Remember the resorts banning all snowboarders? That was one of the first noticed hater actions. With other words, if you are a hater you are nothing better than the hater skiers from back in the day. But you don't give a donkeyshit because you didn't start snowboarding to make friends. Otherwise you would have joined the scouts.
First of all you need internet, which is pretty obvious because the hater part of snowboarding takes place on the world wide web, unless you're a real douche. To get started it's better to train yourself on the internet. When you've booked online success you can try it in real life."
"- It's easier to use different usernames. You can make your comments look better and hotter by giving props on your own comments with another username.
- You are better and prettier. When you know you're not, better tell them you know people who are. A friend, uncle, aunt, grandpa or whatever.
- When the action is too good to hate on start hating on details. Music, edit, clothing or other comments for instance. (see the holy inspiration list)
- Never be sorry. You will loose kudo's. Saying that you are sorry can kill you. Never use the sorry word, NEVER!"
- How are they dressed up?
- Do you like hippies, gangsters, mainstreamsters, gipsies or maybe even emo-thugs?
- Are they over-dressed for the tricks they pop?
Style & Tricks
- Do you like their style?
- Is their stance too narrow or too wide?
- Can you do it better or do you have a friend/relative who can do better?
- Are they having too much fun and does it affect their riding?
- Are they having fun or is it too serious?
Read the whole article here.
Via the Mustachio.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Was Farrah Fawcett the inventor of kickflip?

Rodney Mullen if you are reading this, we know that you invented the kickflip so please, shut up for a moment.
So yeah, that's right, kaos blog has transformed into an endless obituary for dead celebrities who had some kind of connection with skateboarding.
The guys at Barcelona's Unopopmag run this the other day, so nothing original here but Jesus! By looking at this pic all I can think is how would I love to teach her how to skate- and im not even a skater. And by teach her how to skate I mean engage on a long debate over whether this pic has done more for Nike SB than them getting Eric Koston.
Oh well I'm know I'm not fooling anyone..
R.I.P. Farrah, thanks for the memories.
Via Unopopmag.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Micheal Jackson meets E.T. | Alien vs Predator
Nah, just kidding we are not really devastated, slight sad not devastated and anyway we had a small chat about him passing away. Enough with being polite though.
Speaking for myself I will remember him as a very special man.
And by special man, I mean black gone white/sleeping in an oxygen tent/children lovin'/ hip swingin/neverland ownin/ creepy/ crazy talented/sad and weird dude. He also had some good tracks. And by good I mean friggin amazing. Of course all those things contributed into making him an icon, the king of pop. Don't worry this is not an obituary, you're having plenty of those in the press right now.
Without any further ado, allow me to remind you of this legendary Skate Mental's skateboard picturing Micheal Jackson and E.T. and reading Alien vs Predator. Behold, the graphic of all graphics.

Props to Kris for reminding me.
A sneak peek of Blur in 2009 can be also found in the widget, featuring new exclusive footage of the band getting back in gear.
Clips from their rehearsal sessions including songs like “Tender”, “Out of Time” and “Good Song”, will be uploaded regularly on the widget.
Together with the rehearsal footage, the widget also delivers fresh information on Blur, previously unpublished photos from EMI’s archive, a preview of tracks from the upcoming album “Midlife: a Beginner’s Guide to Blur” (including the non-album single “Popscene”)
“Midlife: A Beginner’s Guide To Blur” is the first collection from the band to span every studio album and that offers a complete look at Blur’s career, from the post-Seymour beginnings to the magnificent Think Tank - every stop on the journey is here! “Midlife: A Beginner’s Guide To Blur” is out now.
Download the widget at:
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Action Sports In Schools article in Boardsports Source
Boardsports Source published an article on Kaos' initiative, Action Sports in Schools. Check it out here!
Snoop Crusher from Skullcandy
If you want your ears to purr try these puppies out
HMV will have an exclusive distribution period (90 days) from later this month with all other stores getting them late July / early August
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Morgan Maasen: prodigy photographer.

Morgan Maasen is his name. Ever heard of him? Neither had I. Well you can say its normal, since he is an 18 year old photographer. Don't let his age fool you. He happens to be amazing. I was completely blown out by his pictures. Most people take years to achieve this level of excellence but well he just makes me feel bad for myself since I was never -and obviously shall never be- a prodigy.
Check his pictures out at and keep an eye open for him in the years to come.
Found Via PostSurf.
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Teahupo'o? Choopoo? Teahupoo? Chopo? Teapo? How the £$*£ do you pronounce that?
The Hobgoods can sure surf. They can also blog, but hey this will be covered in another post. I am thinking of something that will be along the lines of "ASP surfers: the act of self-promotion".
Well until then, check this absolutely SICK video out. Hobgoods ripping in Tahiti. Yes I am only writing Tahiti because how the heck do you really pronounce Teahupo'o?
Just imagine coming out of the barrel (hey, thats already unfathomable) and then having to ride out this 20 foot wall thats about to close on your head. SICK.
OK that makes it two times I have already said SICK in this post so it has to end here.
Video found Via the goods' blog.
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
KAOS Sponsors HNC Fine Art End of Year Exhibition 2009

KAOS is sponsoring the HNC Fine Art Exhibition that will feature some of not only London's but the world's best up and coming artists. Were we inspired by the art, the BBQ, bar or the music?..who cares cause the private view on the 18th June is gonna be an amazing evening all round. Some of us here at KAOS attended the mid-year show and were totally inspired by the talent of this lot and suggest anyone who can, comes along and checks it out. The exhibition runs from the 19th through to the 26th if you can't make the opening night. Click the flyer above for all the other details.
Monday, June 01, 2009
Lewis Samuels: Simply Hysterical.

You ask: Now who the f**k is Lewis Samuels?
He answers: Simple; I'm a rabid, hyper-knowledgeable surf fan who isn't shy about telling it like it is. Or at least how I see it. I have access to pretty much the same data you do, except I actually waste my time looking at every bit of it.
I answer: He's that dude that got hired by surfline; or even better convinced Surfline to offer him a salary in exchange for his ASP world tour surfer power rankings. He later on got fired because his writing was too critical of Surfline's policies of content moderation (a.k.a. they would not allow him to talk shit about surfers that were sponsored by Surfline's advertisers).
After getting fired he went on and started posting his "unfiltered thoughts on surf culture" on his blog,
Simply put he is the Perez Hilton of the surfing world. Well no, he's even more than that. Imagine a Jewish, surfer, Da-Hui hated and pursuied writer and you've got the picture.
His voice offers a new perspective to the corporate, Hawaii ruled world of modern surfing- and its absolutely hilarious.
Please, do yourselves a favour and check
Or if you are not yet convinced, here is what he has to say about Joel Parkinson following his two wins and early exit at BillabongPro Tahiti.
"Joel Parkinson can find solace in recent history. Like Joel, Slater started last year with two wins, only to fall early at Chopes. Fortunately for Slater, all the other contenders fell early, too. Same story this year, as Parko’s real rivals (Mick, CJ, and Kelly) dropped the ball. Instead, two more toothless quasi-contenders emerged from the shadows – Taj Burrow and Bobby Martinez. Only trouble is, Parko is not Kelly Slater. So there’s no guarantee he’ll win the next one. Preserving a big lead is mostly a mental game. The rest of Parko’s year might play out like a teenager on mushrooms taking a phone call from their grandparents. The internal monologue running like this: “Don’t freak out man, don’t freak out. Just act normal, do what you’d usually do… wait, what do I usually do? What does being normal even mean?? Why am I talking to myself? Am I saying this out loud? Am I licking the phone? Why am I licking the phone? Are my pants wet? Did I pee on myself? I can’t tell if they’re wet or not. OH SHIT! I forgot how to breathe, I forgot how to BREATHE!"
Monday, May 11, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
KAOS helps Nike ACG Sweetposts win the webby award....
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Congratulations go to Rudi Kroll and Flo Koffer, along with the rest of TEAM ARGON, who won with their film 'The Devils Ride'. Check it out, along with the other 2009 entries at the following link:
Friday, January 23, 2009
2009 Powder Video Awards and Reader Poll announce hosts and their online giveaway

The biggest night in the ski industry, the 2009 POWDER Video Awards and Reader Poll Presented by We Ski &Snowboard™, is only one day away. This Friday, January 23, the event will welcome a host of skiing's best and brightest stars to The Hotel Jerome in Aspen, Colorado for a unique night honoring the greatest ski performances, tricks, films, cinematography and images. Ensuring this will be a night like no other, hosts Chris "Uncle E" Ernst and Luke Van Valin will return to usher us through the mayhem. An exclusive sponsor prize pack giveaway featuring ski goodies has also just been announced, and entry is open to all.
"When we started this event nine years ago, there was usually a clear cut winner and three or four contenders," says POWDER Editor Derek Taylor. "These days, it's a struggle just to narrow down five nominees from the 30 or so movies that are released every year. The level of skiing, cinematography and film production this year is unprecedented."
Known for his way with words and often a silly hat, Uncle E has hosted the POWDER Awards for the past six years. A ski industry icon, Ernst has announced for events including Lord of the Boards, The Gambler, Mayhem with Moseley, and most notably, the 2002 Winter Olympic Games in Salt Lake City. He is also the on-air host for ESPN and ABC for all skiing events in the Winter X Games.
Luke Van Valin will again join Ernst as co-host. Considered one of the more well-rounded and stylish skiers, Van Valin's MC skills have also gained him notoriety in recent years. Bouncing from coast to coast, he can be found with mic in hand at all of the major freeskiing events.
An exclusive online giveaway features a selection of goods from the event sponsors including: a Wii console and We Ski and Snowboard game, K2 PBR skis, Helly Hansen Men's Ekolab™ Jacket, Helly Hansen Women's Zera Jacket and Aspen/Snowmass Lift Ticket. Go to the Powder Awards giveaway page to enter.
Coinciding with the Winter X Games, the POWDER Video Awards and Reader Poll presented by We Ski &Snowboard honors the top 10 male and top five female skiers of the year as voted on by the general public, and the year's top ski films and filmmakers as chosen by a POWDER-appointed expert panel. Considered the "Academy Awards" of skiing, guests include the biggest names in skiing, a bevy of professional athletes and industry heavy weights, as well as surprise guest presenters, celebrities and entertainers.
To catch all of the action LIVE from the 2009 POWDER Video Awards and Reader Poll Presented by We Ski &Snowboard, watch the webcast at beginning with red-carpet arrivals at 7:30 p.m. MST on Friday, Jan. 23, followed immediately by the Awards show beginning at 8:00 p.m. MST.
Watch for We Ski &Snowboard, a fun and exciting new winter sports experience developed by Namco Bandai Games for Nintendo Wii™, which will be available beginning in March 2009.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Get yourself along to this..Rip Curl Rail Sessions
Rip Curl Rail Sessions presented by Renault: top riders at the start
Finest rail riding at Munich’s Theatron • After Show Party at the Club Ampere
At the Rip Curl Rail Sessions presented by Renault on the 2nd of February 2009, some of the best rail riders in the world will rip the Theatron at Munich’s Olympic Park. On two ten-meters rails, they will show tricks and moves you normally only spot in snowboard videos. The entrance to this spectacular contest that takes place during the Munich sports trade show ISPO is free. Snow-safety is ensured by a delivery from Austria’s Kitzsteinhorn: 70 cubic meters of snow will be brought from Salzburg County to Munich.
24 invited pro snowboarders will show their best rail tricks on the impressive ten-meters down rail and the ten-meters flat-down-flat rail that will be erected on the stairs of the Theatron amphitheatre. Under the floodlights of the Theatron and with the legendary buildings of the Olympic Park as an extraordinary backdrop, the spectators will experience riders like the young Icelanders Halldor and Eiki Helgason (ISL). The brothers have taken the snowboard world by storm with their progressive rail sliding and great video parts in movies like “Pony Tale” and “Notes”. They’ll meet the third of the Crans-Montana Champs Open 2007, Rip Curl rider Nils Arvidsson (SWE), and Louif Paradis (CAN), who is known from the Transworld video “These days“. Gulli Gudmundsson (ISL), Max Legend (CAN), Victor Delerue (FRA) from the Rip Curl team as well, and a surprise guest will complete the list of the seeded riders. The qualification will see starters like Alex Tank (GER) and Peter Koenig (AUT).
The best of the best will show their rail slides and 270s at the finals where they’ll fight for a € 10,000 prize-purse and wild cards for the TTR event Crans-Montana Champs Open from February 4th to 8th 2009 in Switzerland.
After the prize-giving at 10 pm, the party will continue at the Skullcandy ISPO Party at Munich’s Club Ampere/Muffatwerk where DJ Kid Sid will send riders and spectators into raptures.
The Rip Curl Rail Sessions by Renault are part of a series of four events. Les Deux Alpes/FRA, Modena/ITA and Lausanne/SUI were the other locations. These events offered rookie riders the possibility to gain contest experience and to qualify for the Crans-Montana Champs Open. The Munich edition is the last session of the series and a pure pro snowboard contest with a strict invitational character.
Key facts Rip Curl Rail Session Munich:
What: International snowboard rail contest
Where: Theatron, Olympic Park Munich, Germany
When: February 2nd 2009
Entrance: Free!
Prize purse: € 10,000 & Wildcards for the Crans Montana Champs Open by Rip Curl
Sponsors: Rip Curl, Renault, Kitzsteinhorn
04.30 pm Doors open
05.00 - 06.30 pm Qualifications session (90 minutes)
07.00 - 08.30 pm Main session (90 minutes)
08.30 - 09.00 pm DJ set with DJ Kid Sid (30 minutes)
09.00 - 09.45 pm Finals (45 minutes)
10.00 pm Prize-giving
After Show Party:
What: Skullcandy ISPO Party 2009
Where: Club Ampere at Muffatwerk (Zellstr. 4, Munich)
When: Monday, February 02nd 2009 at 10 pm
DJ: DJ Kid Sid
Seeded riders
Number Last Name First Name Nation Sponsor
1 Helgason Halldor ISL DC
2 Helgason Eiki ISL Rome
3 Arvidsson Nils SWE Rip Curl
4 Legend Max CAN Rome
5 Delerue Victor FRA Rip Curl
6 Gudmundsson Gulli ISL VANS
7 Paradis Louif USA Salomon
8 tba
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Skullcandy Europe appoints KAOS for Pan-European Role

Skullcandy Europe has appointed action sports and music integrated agency KAOS following a four-way pitch. KAOS will be focused on Pan-European PR for core/action sports, music and lifestyle digital and press media. KAOS’ action sports marketing and creative resources were also a factor in the appointment.
‘KAOS provide us the perfect avenue to action sports and lifestyle media across Europe’ says Skullcandy Europe MD, Anders HÃ¥kansson. ‘We needed an agency that had affinity with Skullcandy and understood how to express our message credibly and effectively. They are emerging as one of the most forward thinking and creative agencies out there and we are excited about working together.’
Paul Knipe, KAOS Managing Director said; ‘Having Skullcandy as part of the KAOS family is a great buzz for the agency. It’s one of those brands with immediate appeal to those interested in action sports and pretty much anyone that cares how they look and the quality of their sound when listening to music. We’re all going to work really hard to help keep building Skullcandy and spread the stoke amongst their media partners and consumer audience.’
KAOS’ appointment commenced from January 2009, coinciding with preparations for the launch of the ’09 product line at ispo in Munich (1st – 4th February). Over the course of the next 8-10 months Skullcandy will roll out several new products and continue to unveil artist collaborations that notably included Metallica in 2008.
Thursday, January 08, 2009
New board anyone?

NEW YORK — Like the artist and designer who inspired the new collection, Louis Vuitton is heading downtown for its new Stephen Sprouse collection.
This week, the company’s boutique on SoHo’s Greene Street will be transformed into a Sprouse destination in time for the collection’s arrival.
“SoHo is a special place for the entire launch of the Sprouse collection,” said Daniel Lalonde, Louis Vuitton North America president and chief executive officer. “It’s in the proximity of where Stephen Sprouse hung out, so we are going to give the entire store a Stephen Sprouse feel. It will have a lot of reminders of Stephen Sprouse. We will be giving it a new identity.”
For instance, the company is wrapping the store in vinyl and spray painting neon graffiti all over the facade. The window display will feature a 6-foot neon light installation in Sprouse’s Rose motif. The store’s interior, enhanced with black brick wall facing, will also be sprayed with the neon graffiti.
The collection will launch in its entirety at the SoHo boutique on Thursday. The complete worldwide launch will follow on Feb. 2, though the Rose pieces will be available at Louis Vuitton stores worldwide starting Friday.
For the launch, the luxury goods company is also creating two limited edition pieces, which will only be available at the SoHo location: a Stephen Sprouse graffiti skateboard replete with a hard case monogram skateboard trunk, and a Stephen Sprouse “Roses” T-shirt. The company hopes to sell three graffiti skateboards with trunks for $8,250 each, and 70 T-shirts for $250 each. “I don’t expect them to last very long,” Lalonde said. “By Friday, there probably won’t be any more left.”
Proceeds will benefit Free Arts NYC, which provides underserved children throughout New York City with special arts programs. Vuitton is also making an undisclosed donation to the Sprouse Estate, as well as the Stephen Sprouse Memorial Scholarship Fund at the National Academy for Design here.
Sprouse became known in the Eighties for his graffiti art and fashion designs. In 2001, Vuitton artistic director Marc Jacobs collaborated with Sprouse and created an instant must-have accessories collection with the Monogram Graffiti collection. Sprouse died in 2004, and Vuitton made its first donation to the fund in 2006 when Jacobs created a scarf in Sprouse’s honor, using one of the collaboration’s leopard prints.
Vuitton will honor the late artist with three events this Thursday. The night will kick off with cocktails at the Vuitton boutique on Greene Street, with a simultaneous event at nearby Deitch Projects’ Wooster Street Gallery for the opening of the “Rock on Mars” Sprouse retrospective. Afterwards, Vuitton and Jacobs will host a bash at the Bowery Ballroom, featuring a performance by Sprouse’s friend Debbie Harry, followed by DJ Jus Ske. The venue is expected to have a Sprouse feel, with a special graffiti-and-neon decor.
“It’s something new from Vuitton to start the year off,” Lalonde said of the collection. “The product, design, and expression are uplifting and rejuvenating. That’s the feel we try to provide for the evening and for the collection.”
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
A good friend of ours is running this really innovative event in Costa Rica that you should all check out and see if it's your kinda thing. see If the break at Santa Teresa is not enough to get you there, maybe a the Yoga sessions or music events is your your thing but there's plenty on offer this Feb.
Here's a brief intro....
Any Yoga master will tell you concentrated, deep breathing is the start of all
healing. For body, mind and soul, learning to breathe relieves stress, relaxes
the body, creating greater clarity of mind. At a time in our history where
complicated, inter related issues face us on a global scale, clarity of mind,
strength and conviction can be the difference between action or non-action.
Breathe is an organic concept that believes both the answers and solutions
to many of the world’s challenges are inclusive in nature. No single solution
will resolve all the issues. No single action is too small to make a difference.
The biggest issue we face is ignorance or the feeling of helplessness creating
an inertia or failure to act.
Breathe challenges people to leave their regular surroundings and to re-
immerse themselves with a living, breathing ecosystem. A week of isolation
from the market driven distractions of the modern Western world, it at-
tempts to increase awareness of today’s major issues, the individuals and
organizations working to address them.
Breathe promotes awareness through music, art, surfing, eco tours, yoga
sessions, horse tours, offshore fishing, beach combing, local food & culture,
workshops, documentary screenings and much more…
Pura Vida…