So you thought you'd done it all did ya??
You've gone up against the gnarliest of all the gnar lords and they've all bought you a beer after, you've shredded big mountains, leaving locals weeping at your superior style and balls, you've taken hits that would have Danny Way crying to his Mum about. You've conquered all.
But have you tried.....drum roll please...
....Extreme wheelbarrowing?
er, what the blazes?
Thats right folks, after perusing Vice mag's website we came across a blog by a couple of lads who had spent the summer in France working on building sites, moving stuff with, thats right...wheelbarrows.
Due to spending too much time with their one-wheeled friends, as well as having too much time on their hands and probably a lack of french skirt to chase, the boys pioneered the first freestyle wheelbarrowing tricks...
So excited by their new pastime the guys set about devoting all the memory space on their mobiles to recording said activity.. and since returning to the UK they've spent a number of gruelling nights at the editing suite. The result is that the boys have put out a short, documenting the skills, ground-breaking moves and overall dedication that it takes to be an extreme wheelbarrowing legend. Laird, step aside please.
Sadly, the XWB's soon discovered that they were not the only ones to have let their creative juices flow while shifting the compost heap...to their dismay they discovered that there is actually an Extreme Wheelbarrowing Community! And these guys are GOOD! With their ideals of glory shattered and egos bruised by a rather unimpressed extreme wheelbarrowing community, the lads still had the faith to let the rest of us in on this anti-climatic tale of severed dreams.
For the full story, plus the footage, follow this link...
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