Hi all,
With summer upon us you will have noticed that the weekly updates have been lying dormant for a little while. But fear not, the team are busy mixing up some rest and recuperation with training camps.
So, here’s an update of what’s been going on- I’ll keep these coming intermittently but feel free to get in touch if you need any up to the minute news or info!
Dan Wakeham
Prior to jetting out to Mt. Hood, Dan returned home to Plymouth to earn some cash, working for his Dad. He also kept in shape by visiting Bath University once a week where he caught up with Zoe at the Institute of Sport.
He is now in Mount Hood sessioning a vast playground of pipes, kickers and rails. He has his pick of 21ft pipes which is the standard size for all World Cup & TTR events etc. Check out the attached shot of him coming out of one of the beasts, pulling a massive frontside air.
Dan will be returning in about 10 days before securing a filming trip for the European DVD.
Zoe Gillings
Zoe was 21 yesterday: Happy Birthday!
With only a couple of weeks to rest up after the Dolomites trip she was straight back to Bath for more work on her foot. As part of this programme she has been trying her hand at surfing, which she has loved. Zoe has been feeling really good about the strength gained and was raring to get out to Hood with the gang.
After Mt Hood, Zoe will no doubt be back in the gym prior to heading over to New Zealand for her final preparations before the World Cup season starts in Chile.
Angus Leigh
Angus has been working up in Scotland at his local slope getting some cash together before his summer training. He got back from Italy to find that the Scottish season had been extended and promptly cleaned up in local comps.
Angus is also out in Mt. Hood. This is a great opportunity for him to ride the super pipes and he should gain a lot from his first chance to spend a sustained length of time training in them. Check out the shot of him jibbing the barrel- by the looks of things both he and Dan are rocking the Minima jacket to deal with the heat out there.
Angus will be at the Board Test later this month.
Rebecca Cullum
Since the Dolomites Trip Rebecca has been back at school, but still mixing it up at Bracknell each week.
Rebecca has been selected for the GB Jnr Olympic Team! This takes place in February ‘07 in Jaca, Spain. She still has to go through the formalities of qualifying onto the team at the selection camp in August, but she’s understandably delighted. Rebecca follows in the footsteps of Angus and Zoe who have both competed in the event in years gone by.
Rebecca will also be at the Board Test.
Noddy Gowans
Noddy has been out to Riksgransen, Norway for their national Big Mountain Champs. He had a great time and was happy to laugh off some rather over-zealous local judging. However, he also was out there in order to write a piece for Fall Line. In fact, he has his own freeski column in the Mag next season.
At the moment, Nodds is back in the UK trying to get some cash together and having a break from the hills. He’s hoping to get some climbing and windsurfing in over the summer months and will be doing a lot of work on the column.
Paddy Graham
Paddy is going to be flat out this summer. He’s just got back from the IPP, where he helped to shape and work behind the scenes as well as slaying the park himself. He walked straight off the plane into the AIM Series Schools Tour and is working the trampoline as well as being an ambassador for skiing.
At the beginning of July he travels out to Norway with the European rookies to film their section for the upcoming DVD. He’ll be joined by Muz and a whole host of young talent. From there it’s off to New Zealand for a month where he’ll be taking on Snowpark and hooking up with more of the ACG European family who will be in attendance. It’s a great opportunity for him to train alongside team mates who will push him hard. After New Zealand he’ll have a second stint on the Schools Tour before he gets a chance to finally catch his breath.
Murray Buchan
Murray has had his head down at school since he got back. This hasn’t stopped him from sessioning the rails and kickers at Braehead though. Murray also ventured down to Castleford for Xscapeology last month where he turned heads as per usual.
As mentioned above, he’ll be laying it down with Paddy in Norway as part of the rookie’s filming trip. Prior to the guys leaving, they’ll be shooting LINE’s new ads in Edinburgh as a group.
Tom Last
Tom has been getting some down time in since the adventures of Italy and BUSC and making plans of his own. In fact, he’s going to be juggling studies and skiing next season thanks to being offered a place at Leeds Met for a degree in Music Technology. Tom’s stoked because the faculty will be supporting his skiing through part subsidising his course as well as allowing him to take sustained periods off to go skiing.
Tom will be joining Muz and Paddy in Edinburgh for the LINE shoot.
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