Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Sport Business Article

Monday, April 07, 2008
Save Harrow Skatepark

For the past 30 years, Harrow Skatepark's unique and timeless design has been enjoyed by thousands
of skaters from all over the world. Also known as ‘Solid Surf’, it has also provided a breeding ground for
generations of World class skateboarders, and a safe spot for riders of all ages and abilities to do their
thing. As well as being something very special to skate, the layout and size of the skatepark allow
several groups of users to session the park at the same time without getting in each others way.
Harrow Council are planning on knocking the skatepark down as well as the Leisure Centre next to it.
The land is to be used to build houses on, bringing in revenue of over 40 million pounds. Thats right,
over £40000000. Yet the Council ar! e only planning on spending £300k on a new skatepark, although
the current (perfectly good) skatepark would cost nearly a million pounds to replace. So Harrows youth
are being robbed of over 600 thousand pounds. And skateboarding is being robbed of an irreplaceable
piece of its history, identity and culture.
Other countries are spending millions on making bigger and better skateparks,yet
planning on knocking this great skatepark down and replacing it with one of a third of its value. How
does this make sense? Especially when councils are supposed to be encouraging more activity for
young people, not less!
So on the 19th April 2008, join us for SAVE
session, theres going to be cash prizes for best tricks in the pool, half pipe etc as well as cash for best
transfer line. There will also be a BBQ, refreshments, ! product tosses, board signings from various pros,
and a late nigh t (maybe all night) flood lit pool session/party with various live bands playing to keep the
session amped!
We desperately want to save this park. But if we can't, we want to say goodbye with this mega session.
And raise awareness to the fact that if the council are to go ahead with their plans and bulldoze this
skatepark, they are going to have to spend way more of the money gained from building these new
houses than they have currently budgeted if they are to build an any where near comparable
Harrow Skatepark is situated behind Harrow Leisure centre, a few minutes walk from
Wealdstone station.
‘History is not replaceable or disposable- harrow skatepark is part of British skateboarding’s legacy,
lets make sure it’s still there for generations to come’
Ben Powell, Chief Editor of Sidewalk magazine
same for many others. It would be a crime to lose it’
Rodga Harvey, Involved in the original build, and skated
‘An end of an era, but what an era, lets hope whats next inspires future generations as solid surf did.
The H Boyz "sworn to fun loyal to none."
Steve Douglas. Pro skateboarder who grew up skating
industry mogul.
'I spent most of my childhood at the skatepark, I practically grew up at the place. I made the best
friends I've ever had there, friends I will have for life and I would be heartbroken if other people didn't
have that same opportunity for friendship and fun and skating in the future.'
Dave Hopkins,
Friday, April 04, 2008
Nike ACG Sweetspots kick-starts summer with a celebration of its athletes’ most prized achievements on film.

These unique stories will be showcased in 3-4 minute films which will launch on 4th April 2008. During the course of the summer a new Sweetspot will be added every few weeks.
Nike ACG’s athletes have pushed both themselves and their sport in the creation of these new Sweetspots. Each has been given the opportunity to fulfill their ultimate goals and then showcase their accomplishments. Having partnered with some of the most prestigious filmmakers in the business each Sweetspot is able to be shared courtesy of http://www.nikeacg.com/
Sweetspots launches the summer program with three stories (Sweetspot numbers 14, 15 & 16) featuring some of the world’s best talent. Follow established BASE jumper, Tom Erik Heimen, as he chases flying nirvana in his wingsuit. World respected whitewater kayaker Brad Ludden returns to conquer his nemesis on the Mekong River. Axel Ballay and Micky Fuselier travel to southern China where they explore epic walls and open up the hardest route in the country.

Following this launch, there will be five additional Sweetspot films released during the summer:
Andre Bach; BASE jumping with Plastikk Media in Eikesdalen (Norway)
Micky Fuseilier; climbing with Evrard Wendenbaum in Choranche (France)
Laurent Niol; BASE jumping with Happy Ride in the Atlas Mountains (Morocco)
Liv Sansoz; climbing with Evrard Wendenbaun in Hampi (India)
Mariann Saether; kayaking with Revolutionairy Innovations on the White Nile (Uganda)
Keep an eye on http://www.nikeacg.com/ throughout the summer to see these films arrive and check out Nike ACG’s competitions. Aspiring filmers, photographers, directors and a journalists are in with the chance to be a part of creating next winter’s first Sweetspot in South America. For more info head over to the ‘Join The Crew’ section of the site, but be quick as the comp closes on 1st May.
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Filming day: Perfect park, powder and sun
Poker party: Pimp
Jib-Vid deadline: On schedule
Best trick contest: Sun, fun, music and money – PERFECT
Film projection: OFF THE HOOK
Afterparty: Great beats
What an event!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For full event write up and results check out www.jib-vid.com
For all of this years Jib-Vid films check out our bebo site, www.bebo.com/jib-vid where you can also become a fan and get notified immediately when new films are uploaded.
Keeps your eyes peeled for more great footage coming soon such as the behind the scenes documentary to show you exactly the hard work all the teams put in along with some great interviews from the teams.